by Swedish Fixer | Feb 8, 2022 | Work with us
Swixer ( är ett produktionsservicebolag baserat i Stockholm med kunder från hela världen. Vi hjälper internationella kunder med deras film- och TV-produktioner i Sverige men har även produktioner i flera andra länder. Vi är just nu inne i en spännande expansionsfas i Europa och söker en prestigelös och flexibel ekonomiassistent.
Vi söker efter en noggrann och strukturerad person med tidigare erfarenhet av att arbeta i ekonomiprogrammet Visma eEkonomi. Det är även en fördel om du har tidigare erfarenhet av internationell handel och/eller har arbetat inom TV/Filmbranschen men inget krav.
- Betala och följa upp leverantörs- och kundfakturor
- Sammanställa underlag för varje produktion
- Lönsamhetsuppföljning för projekt och länder
- Likviditetsprognos
- Periodisk sammanställning till Skatteverket
- Samarbeta med vår redovisningskonsult
- HR-administration: semestrar, frånvaro, löneutbetalningar
- På sikt även sköta redovisning mot Skatteverket
Vi tror att du minst har en kandidatutbildning eller motsvarande arbetslivserfarenhet och att du är en person som kan sätta dig in i olika regelverk när det behövs på både svenska- såväl som olika internationella marknader.
Då vi är ett litet (men växande) företag med endast tre anställda värdesätter vi personlighet och flexibilitet, t.ex. i att assistera våra producenter med diverse produktionsrelaterade uppgifter när det behövs. Vi använder både engelska och svenska som arbetsspråk så du behöver kunna prata engelska obehindrat.
Välkommen att skicka din ansökan till: senast den 22 februari 2022!
by Swedish Fixer | Dec 13, 2021 | Work with us
Meet our new brilliant employee, Helen Spokojny! All the way from Germany, Helen is one of our most recently hired employees – we decided to ask her five quick questions so that you could get to know her better!
Tell us why you decided to join Swixer?
First of all I’m a huge fan of Swixer’s unique business concept of providing local networks everywhere to clients from all over the world. The second reason was that Swixer is such an international company with so many different interesting projects. Another crucial point to me was that Swixer is a female founded and owned company – and I just love when women have a great idea and go for it! The world needs more female entrepreneurs!
What will you do here at Swixer?
As a producer / production manager I will put together amazing local crews, tailor made for every project. I’ll be there for our clients, manage productions and find solutions for every task. On the marketing side I will help grow Swixer and make sure we’re always the best possible partner for all of our clients.
Tell us about your background!
I started working in media 10 years ago, after finishing my bachelor degree in sports science and economics. I’ve worked in many fields: From classic advertising, over large and small scale photo shoots, big and small (live) events, creating brand spaces to working with on- and offline marketing. Along the way I also got a Master’s degree in Marketing Management.
What are you most excited about for 2022?
For 2022 I’m really excited about working with and learning from the talented people at Swixer (and our network). I can’t wait to work on many different projects about such interesting topics. I’m also really excited about exploring my new home base: Stockholm and all of Sweden!
Tell us something we didn’t know about you!
I’m very passionate about music! I started playing percussion at the age of 5 or 6, tried my luck with the guitar and now ended up playing drums. Speaking of hitting things: I’m also a very passionate tennis player! I just think it’s the best sport ever.
We wish Helen a very warm welcome to Swixer and Sweden!
by Swedish Fixer | Nov 3, 2021 | Work with us
This August we had the opportunity to work on a really fun project with Polyphon Germany for their famous production “Das Traumschiff,” or, The Dream Ship. Originally based on the US show “The Love Boat,” Das Traumschiff has been running in Germany for over 40 years. Each episode features a different destination, which allows the audience to experience that place through the various adventures of the ship’s crew and passengers.
This time, lucky for us, The Dream Ship production dropped anchor in Stockholm, where we spent two weeks filming with them in various locations in and around Stockholm. Swixer’s production services support included location management and permits, art department and props, picture vehicles, drivers, local actors and extras, craft services and catering (including a barbecue on location prepared by our producer and production manager, because we’re an all-hands-on-deck kind of crew!).

The picture filmed in some of the most iconic spots in the Stockholm area: from the old-time villages of Skansen, to the Royal Palace and the streets of Gamla Stan, from the Stockholm archipelago to the forests of our picturesque nature preserves, the final film will truly be a picture postcard of the region and will make anyone who sees it long to spend a summer in Sweden.

Many thanks to the awesome German team – it was great working with you!
by Swedish Fixer | Oct 4, 2021 | Work with us
Swixer växer! Just nu är vi inne i en spännande expansionsfas och behöver stärka upp med ytterligare en producent/produktionsledare.
Vi tror att du har budgeterfarenhet och är en fena på att produktionsleda/koordinera både små och stora inspelningar i Sverige men även i andra länder. Erfarenhet av internationella jobb/kunder är ett stort plus men inget krav. Vårt arbetsspråk sker till största del på engelska så viktigt att man kan skriva och prata engelska obehindrat.
Tjänsten är på heltid med start omgående. Vi sitter i Vasastan, Stockholm. Projektanställning på 3 månader med möjlighet till förlängning/fast anställning.
Vi välkomnar både producenter och produktionsledare med budgeterfarenhet att höra av sig med CV till senast 15 oktober 2021.
Swixer is growing! Right now we’re in an exciting expansion phase and looking for a Producer / Production Manager to join our team in Stockholm.
We believe that you have budget experience and are a superstar when it comes to managing / coordinating both small and bigger shoots in Sweden but also in other countries. We value previous experience of international shoots / clients although it’s not a requirement. Our day to day working language is mostly English so it’s important that you can write and speak English fluently.
The position is full-time, 3 months project employment to start with with the possibility of a continued permanent employment after that.
We welcome both producers and production managers with budget experience to get in touch. Please send your CV to no later than 15 October 2021.